Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


411 E. Burwell Ave. 37917

Zoltan Zoltan Wilson

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
Staff Comments
New secondary structure. Installation of a 21' wide by 22' deep one-story detached garage in the rear of the lot. The garage will be clad in fiber cement clapboard (Hardie Plank) siding and trim, with beadboard on the rear elevation, and it will feature a gambrel roof clad in asphalt shingles. The garage door is on the front elevation and will be accessed by extending the existing front gravel driveway and via alley. Secondary structure will be set 10' from the interior property line and 5' from the rear property line, approximately 15' from the center line of the alley.

Zoltan Zoltan Wilson

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History