Historic Zoning Commission

Gobbler's Knob NC: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 12-A-21-HZ as submitted.

Location Knoxville
2518 Sherrod Rd. 37920

Emily Emily Thompson

Applicant Request
Additions; Porch
New porch addition on the rear left (north) corner of the house. Gable-roof porch measures 26' wide by 24'-8" long, and will project 12' out from the side elevation of the house. The addition is a screened-in porch with a 6/12 gable roof clad in asphalt shingles and a foundation of six by six posts above grade, on concrete footers. A 36" tall guard rail, featuring 4 by 4 square-pattern wire railing, will be installed on the exterior. The small section of the gable field and lower trim areas will be clad in a shingle siding to match existing shingles on the house.

Staff Comments
Minimal Traditional, c.1940
    One-and-one-half story frame residence with a brick veneer wall covering. Side-gable roof with asphalt shingle cladding and shed and gable extension covering a two-thirds front porch, supported by round wood columns with Doric capitals. One-story gabled side porch with round wood columns with Doric capitals. Eight over eight double-hung windows.

A. New Development and Additions
2. The recommended location for additions is to the side or rear of existing buildings. Additions to the front of houses are not encouraged, but may be allowed provided they do not extend more than 15 feet or cover more than one-fourth of the front façade.
14. Balconies, porches, bay windows, and other projections are encouraged and may be allowed in the building setback.
15. Roofs on new buildings should have a minimum roof pitch of 6/12, and should vary their design by the use of telescoping or offset gables, dormers, or using hip and gable or cross-gable configurations.

C. Building Materials
1. Building materials for new construction should not include vinyl or aluminum siding, concrete blocks, or exterior plywood on elevations that are visible from Sherrod Road or Millers Avenue.

Emily Emily Thompson

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History