Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 12-A-20-IH, with the following conditions: 1) use horizontal metal siding instead of vertical panels to be more compatible with the primary structure; 2) incorporate wall and roof colors to be compatible with the primary residence; and 3) install landscaping as screening to reduce visibility of the shed from Texas Avenue.

1222 Texas Ave. 37921

Jeffrey Jeffrey Farmer

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
The proposed shed will be located to the rear of the property, behind the primary structure and oriented towards the alley. The site plan shows an existing driveway connection which extends from the alley to the applicant's property. City Engineering states that the concrete pad and garage must be at least 30' from the blue line creek on the site plan, due to the buffer zone surrounding the creek. Placement of the shed is appropriate.

According to the provided survey, the primary structure measures 28.2' wide by 26.4' long. The proposed shed is only moderately smaller in size than the primary house. The primary residence is a small Craftsman-style house with a pyramidal roof and an exterior of horizontal vinyl siding.

Due to the lack of vegetation on the property or the surrounding lots, the prefabricated metal shed will be substantially visible from the public right-of-way. Installing landscaping or fencing to screen the metal shed would reduce visibility and better meet Infill Housing design guidelines.

Staff Comments
Construction of accessory structure. Applicant is proposing the installation of a prefabricated metal accessory building to the rear of the primary house. Shed will measure 24' long by 26' wide (including a 1' eave overhang), with an 8' wall height and an 11.8' floor to roof peak height. Shed will be located on the rear of the property, set 17' from the left (south) property line and 9' from the right (north) property line and 30' from the rear property line. The metal shed will feature a low-pitched, gable metal roof with a 10' by 8' garage door and one access door on the rear right corner.

Jeffrey Jeffrey Farmer

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History