Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City NC-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 11703EDG. Proposed work is consistent with design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1623 Washington Ave

Arvene D. Hodge

Applicant Request
Doors; Roofing; Siding; Storm windows or doors; Windows
Replace roof and decking; replace soffits; replace siding to match existing wood siding with 4" overlap; replace wood one over one double hung windows in kind, as necssary; replace six aluminum storm windows, as necessary; replace existing 15 light wooden doors in kind.

Craftsman (c.1915)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Front gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, king posts, rafters and paired louvered attic vents. One story full front porch with square wood posts on wood weatherboard covered piers, weatherboard balustrade. Two projecting one story side bays. One over one double hung windows. Rusticated ashlar limestone foundation. Irregular plan. Eighteen light transom and ten light sidelights at front entry.

Oliver Lowery (Advance Restorations)

Case History