Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends denial of replacement of the upper-story south window that is being proposed as a location for an egress door unless required by the fire code. If determined to be a code requirement, Staff will review the proposed door for this location. Staff recommends approval of a 29-inch-high concrete pad on the south side with the condition that the faces be covered in stucco to match that of the house foundation, and that no guardrail be installed. Staff recommends denial of the glass wall on the upper south side of the stairwell.

Location Knoxville
815 N Fourth Ave 37917

Kenn Kenn Davin; - Michele Mauer Michele Mauer

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding.
Doors; Material changes (wood, brick, metal, etc.); Windows
Second level of stairwell proposed to be glassd in on the south side. The two mullions are to be 4-inch-wide steel covered with wood facing attached to window. Add 29-inch high concrete pad stair landing on south side and stucco all faces to match that on house. Cover brick wall on lower portion of newly constructed stairwell on south side with smooth-finished fiber cement board to match dimensions and profile of wood siding on main house. Appearance of detail of transition of siding to brick garage wall to be approved by staff. Window replacment on 2nd level of south side not yet approved.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne (c. 1880)
    Two-story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Asphalt shingle roof covering with front gable, lunette attic vent. Two-over-two replacement windows. Two- story three-quarter front porch with c. 2011 replacement posts and balustrade. Brick foundation.Transom at front entry. Former two-story rear deck-- now removed.

(the guidelines apply in their entirety )

1. Locate attached exterior additions at the rear or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building. Proportion is very important.
2. Design new additions in a manner that makes clear what is historic and what is new.
3. Consider the attached exterior addition both in terms of the new use and the appearance of other buildings in the Historic district. Design for the new work may be contemporary or may reference design motifs from the historic buildings. In either case, it should always be clearly differentiated from the historic building and be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture, scale, relationship of solids to voids, and color.
4. Place new additions, such as balconies or solar greenhouses, on non-character-defining elevations, and limit the size and scale in relationship to the historic building.
5. Rather than expanding the size of the historic building by constructing a new addition, try to alter interior spaces that do not define the character of the building to accommodate the new space needs.
6. It is best not to add additional stories. If required for the new use, make sure they are set back from the wall plane and are as inconspicuous as possible when viewed from the street.
7. New work should not appear to be as old as the historic building. Do not duplicate the exact form, material, style, and detailing of the historic building in the new addition.
8. New additions should not cause a lessening or loss of historic character, including the historic building's design, materials, workmanship, location, or setting.

The following SECRETARY OF INTERIORS STANDARDS are particularly applicable to this proposal, but the standards apply in their entirety:

9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment.

Kenn Kenn Davin; - Michele Mauer Michele Mauer

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History