Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 110703ONK. Proposed work is at rear of house and will not be visible from public streets, with work on the fornt porch and elevation consistent with the Old North Knoxville Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1405 Armstrong Ave

Neely Properties, c/o Randall Deford (see applicant information)

Applicant Request
Doors; Porch elements; Windows; Other: fire stair at rear
Cut new tread into existing top step of front porch, repair spalling concrete on front steps and install new pipe rail in dark color in center of front stair; replace doors and windows on rear elevation, as required by fire codes, using double hung fire rated windows and fire rated doors. Add sawn wood handrail on 3rd floor landing at rear; replace missing porch columns on enclosed wrap around front and side porch. NOTE: HZC Modification would allow all items except handrail for front steps. Design of front steps handrail would be modified to allow a pipe rail with a top rail only. Acceptable variations would allow 1) three runs with one railing only with side rails modified so they do not wrap porch column pier but may have side rail on pier for last few steps; or 2) three front step pipe rails with one railing only.

Neoclassical (c.1910)
    Two story frame with brick veneer on first story and wood shingles on second. Gable roof with three pedimented, gable roofed dormers with nine light windows with fanlights, asphalt shingle roof covering. Double hung one over one windows. One story full front porch with round wood posts with Doric capitals on brick piers, tripled at corners. Two exterior end brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Leaded glass sidelights at front entry. Rear fire stairs and other modifications to accommodate apartments. Side portion of front porch enclosed.

Randall DeFord

Case History