Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II/IV


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 110309ONK, modifying corner boards to be 5-1/2" rather than 3-1/2".

Location Knoxville
1417 Cornelia St

Jared Brewster

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair; Level IV. Demolition
Retain front and side walls of existing fire-damaged structure and build new structure behind it. New building will retain existing front entry and porch, and from portion of hip and lower cross gables. Replacement windows will be installed to reflect the full dimension of the original windows, wood double hung, with new windows in the same dimensions as shown on the attached plans. Interior chimney retained. Bay window retained. Wood siding repaired and restored or replaced in kind, with 3-1/2" corner boards. Modifications to west elevation will include shed roofed dormers, one three light and one one light, to allow living space on second story level. Side porch, accessed from rear of house, will include sawn wood balusters set into top and bottom rail, with 10" square wood column. East elevation will include replacing windows with windows sized to fit original window openings. Front elevation will retain original fishscale patterned trim and attic vent on front gable, with windows sized to fit original window openings and will retain front porch.

Common features throughout the house - two over one windows; originally size window openings as revealed by removal of artificial siding; installation of ridge vent and asphalt shingle roof; restoration of wood siding; corner boards, skirt board, and sawn wood gable vents; installation of columns on front and side porch; restoration of brick chimney.

Modifications added at HZC meeting: 1/1 double hung windows are acceptable; corner boards to be 5-1/2"; dormers may be shed or gabled; additional window may be added on right side elevation; if removing arrtificial siding reveals other window openings, they may also be utilized.

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1895)
    Two story frame with artificial siding wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables and asphalt shingle covering, fishscale shingles and sawn wood attic vent in front gable. Replacement windows. One story two-thirds concrete replacement front porch with aluminum columns. Interior offset brick chimney. Stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan. Beaded brackets under roof of one story cutaway bay window. Numerous rear additions.

    NOTE: building has been extensively damaged by fire and subsequent deterioration.

Jared Brewster

Case History