Historic Zoning Commission

Mechanicsville H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 110403MEC. Proposed work is consistent with ongoing maintenance of building and is consistent with adopted Mechanicsville Design Guidleines.

Location Knoxville
214 Cansler Ave

Lamar Mills

Applicant Request
Porch elements; Roofing
replace asphalt shingle roof with asphalt shingles; repair front and rear porches, duplicating current design.

Folk Victorian (c.1910)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Front gable roof with asphalt shingle covering and replacement attic vent. Double hung one over one windows. One story full front porch, partially enclosed, with chamfered wood columns. Interior central stuccoed chimney. Brick foundation. Rectangular shotgun plan.

Lamar Mills

Case History