Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval of either a 22x24 garage setback 5 to 6 feet as approved by the BZA or a 18x16 garage setback 12 feet as per the by-right zoning code.

Location Knoxville
225 E Oklahoma Ave 37917

John John Hart - Beth Bostrom Beth Bostrom

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of outbuilding
Accessory structure
Construction of a detached hipped-roof garage opening onto the rear alley. The structure is proposed to be 24' wide x 22' deep (480 sf) if a BZA variance is provided for a 6-foot setback from the alley. If a BZA setback variance is not approved, the setback would be 12 feet from the alley and the structure would be reduced to 18' x 16' (288 sf). The side setback would be 5 feet. Overhead door to be constructed of steel and allude to carriage house doors. Pedestrian door to be 4-panel and the material is to be painted fiberglass. 1/1 single-hung wood or fiberglass windows to be similar to those of the house and the asphalt roof shingles will match those on the house. The foundation is to be of smooth-finish stucco.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne (c. 1900)
    Two-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering . Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle covering. Double-hung one-over-one windows. One-story wrap-around front and side porch with later-added round wood posts on brick piers and turned wood balustrade. Recessed sideslights and transom at front entry. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (contributing)

Auxillary or Outbuildings: HISTORIC CHARACTERISTICS
Auxiliary or outbuildngs were often used in Old North Knoxville, although many of them have
deteriorated or been destroyed over the years. Typical outbuildings would have included carriage
houses, barns outhouses or servants' quarters, often more than one story stall and built with
steeply pitched gable roofs or combined gable and shed roofs, with weatherboard or board
and batten wall covering. Smaller work sheds were also located in the neighborhood. New
houses in the district might have had garages, with the same roof shapes and wall coverings,
or with wall coverings that matched the primary building on the lot.

M. Auxiliary or Outbuildings
1. The design of outbuildings such as garages
shall acknowledge and suggest the function of
original outbuildings that would have been
located in the neighborhood.

3. Garages shall be located to the rear of the
primary building on the lot.

4. Materials used in constructing outbuildings
or accessory buildings may only use
materials and design characteristics selected
from the following list: wood lap siding with
a four inch lap or board and batten; a 12/12
roof pitch; overhanging eaves; exposed rafter
tails; wood windows; masonry but not
exposed concrete block or split-face block;
garage doors appearing to be carriage doors

John John Hart - Beth Bostrom Beth Bostrom

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827
Email: mike.reynolds@knoxplanning.org

Case History