Construct wood frame 15'x21' carport at ~ 9 feet high with wood deck on top of flat roof. Deck to have 36-inch high wood balustade with 2x2 square wood balusters. Deck to have built-in wood bench and 6-foot wood planter wall on south side as shown in submitted sketch.Overall structure (not including planter wall) is estimated to be 13 feet high. Wood framed steps to be on the north side. Carport located in rear and the roof is cantilevered five 5 feet from the alley, with support posts being ~7 feet from alley. (Cobblestone pavers to be laid beneath carport.)
Staff Comments
Queen Anne with Neoclassical influence (c. 1890)
Two-story frame with weatherboard wallcovering. Hip roof with lower cross gables and gabled front dormer and gablet with louvered attic vent. Sawn wood bargeboard with pendant. Sunburst design applied on front gable with twenty-light window and fishscale imbricated shingles, dentils at cornice return on front gable. Two-over-tow double-hung windows with casement windows on sun porch. One-story full front porch, patially enclosed for sun porch with wood posts on brick piers and brick balustrade. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Transom at front entry. (Contributing)
OUTBUILDINGS Newer houses in the district might have had garages, with the same roof shapes and wall coverings, or with wall coverings that matched the primary building on the lot. It is acceptable to construct new outbuildings to the rear of lots on Fourth and Gill with designs that respect the original designs.
Recommendations: 1. Buildings resembling servants' quarters or carriage houses, work buildings, or simple one story garages are appropriate to be constructed in the Fourth and Gill Historic District. Their size and construction should use materials that correspond to the original primary buildings on the lot.
Phil Phil Bonafacio; - Acadia Landscaping, Cristy Jernigan Acadia Landscaping, Cristy Jernigan