Historic Zoning Commission

N/A: Level I


Three story steel frame building with East Tennessee Light Pink marble cladding. Flat roof with parapet. Eleven bay front façade, which contains the main entrance of the building. Aluminum doors with full glass appear below transoms with floral Art Deco patterns. Engaged fluted pilasters on front and side facades with simple banded capitals. Banding of curvilinear details at roofline. Windows on upper floors are tri-partite aluminum with glass casement windows, separated by aluminum spandrels with zigzag molding and lforal motifs. Doria pilasters topped with sculptured eagles of East Tennessee marble also mark the extended bays; above the eagles in the frieze is the phrase "E Pluribus Unum".

Fluted columns of East Tennessee marble separate the central nine bays. A four foot high East Tennessee red marble band runs along all four elevations of the building; this providing a light well that illuminates windows on the basement level at the front elevation. Each bay on the first floor contains a twenty-light aluminum casement window. Spandrels separating the first and second floors feature elliptical molding. Second story windows are also of aluminum and glass in four light casement with transoms and apron windows. The third floor windows are similar in design of those on the second floor, but lack transoms. Aluminum spandrels appear between the second and third stories. The phrase "United States Post Office and Courthouse" appears on a marble panel above the frieze.

The west (Locust Street) and east (Walnut Street) elevations are similar, in that they contain eight bays. On the west, extended corner bays have casement windows with aluminum floral motif mullions and muntins. Large fluted pilasters separate the six central bays with plain banding at the capitals. Window arrangements are similar to those on the front elevation. On the west a low red marble retaining wall conceals a light well for the basement, while on the east are contained two entrances with aluminum and glass windows and transoms. The north elevation contains nine bays of wood and metal double doors, which open onto a loading platform with a large fixed metal canopy. Fluted pilasters separate the windows on each floor, which are similar to those on the front façade.

Location Knoxville
501 Main St

Samuel J. Furrow

Applicant Request
Level I. Standard repair
SignsArt Deco and Art Moderne, 1932-34
    Three story steel frame building with East Tennessee Light Pink marble cladding. Flat roof with parapet. Eleven bay front façade, which contains the main entrance of the building. Aluminum doors with full glass appear below transoms with floral Art Deco patterns. Engaged fluted pilasters on front and side facades with simple banded capitals. Banding of curvilinear details at roofline. Windows on upper floors are tri-partite aluminum with glass casement windows, separated by aluminum spandrels with zigzag molding and lforal motifs. Doria pilasters topped with sculptured eagles of East Tennessee marble also mark the extended bays; above the eagles in the frieze is the phrase "E Pluribus Unum".

    Fluted columns of East Tennessee marble separate the central nine bays. A four foot high East Tennessee red marble band runs along all four elevations of the building; this providing a light well that illuminates windows on the basement level at the front elevation. Each bay on the first floor contains a twenty-light aluminum casement window. Spandrels separating the first and second floors feature elliptical molding. Second story windows are also of aluminum and glass in four light casement with transoms and apron windows. The third floor windows are similar in design of those on the second floor, but lack transoms. Aluminum spandrels appear between the second and third stories. The phrase "United States Post Office and Courthouse" appears on a marble panel above the frieze.

    The west (Locust Street) and east (Walnut Street) elevations are similar, in that they contain eight bays. On the west, extended corner bays have casement windows with aluminum floral motif mullions and muntins. Large fluted pilasters separate the six central bays with plain banding at the capitals. Window arrangements are similar to those on the front elevation. On the west a low red marble retaining wall conceals a light well for the basement, while on the east are contained two entrances with aluminum and glass windows and transoms. The north elevation contains nine bays of wood and metal double doors, which open onto a loading platform with a large fixed metal canopy. Fluted pilasters separate the windows on each floor, which are similar to those on the front façade.

Tim Pope, Advanced Signs

Case History