Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City NC-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 11303EDG. Proposed work is to a side window, and will provide necessary interior space.

Location Knoxville
1810 Jefferson Ave

Jeff Keith

Applicant Request
Shorten side window (original) to accommodate interior kitchen cabinets, replacing window with a two over two double hung wood window; remove metal jalousy window in bathroom (not original), infilling the opening with wood lap siding to match remainder of house.

Folk Victorian (c.1900)
    One story frame with weatherboard siding. Side gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, boxed cornice and rturns. One story three-quarter front porch with replacement columns. Double hung two over two windows. Interior offset brick chimney. Brick foundation. Rectangular plan.

Joe MacDonald (Department of Development)

Case History