Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends postponement of HZC review until the December meeting, so the applicant may provide more thorough information on the proposed porch work, addition, and chimney reconstruction.

Location Knoxville
404 E. Oklahoma Ave. 37917

Rahman Rahman Muneera

Applicant Request
Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Additions; Doors; Porch; Windows; Other: Chimney
- Chimney replacement: reconstruction of chimney on front-gable roofline where historic chimney was removed without the proper permits. Proposed chimney will be constructed from "salvaged brick found on the property or a match thereof" and match original size and height. Proposed chimney is a faux chimney without a fireplace below.

- Front porch: proposed installation of turreted porch section projecting from the facade; installation of horizontal porch railing system, comparable to example provided of porch system installed on Grainger Avenue (outside of H-1 overlay).

- Replacement of front door: proposed replacement front door is a Craftsman-style design.

- Rear addition: proposed for the rear (southeast) elevation, to measure 10' long by 22.5' wide. Existing roofline and pitch to be extended and wood clapboard siding to be continued onto addition. Side and rear elevations of addition to feature one-over-one, double-hung wood windows.

- Kitchen window on northeast elevation proposed to be reduced in height by 10"

Staff Comments
Folk Victorian (c.1910)
    One-story frame residence, resting on a brick foundation, clad in weatherboard siding. Cross-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles. One-story, one-bay front porch with square wood columns. Interior brick chimney centered on ridgeline.

A. Roofs
1. The shape of replacement roofs or roofs on new construction shall imitate the shapes of roofs on neighboring existing houses or other houses of the same architectural style. Roof pitch shall duplicate the 12/12 pitch most often found in the neighborhood or replicate the pitch of a neighboring building. Roof shapes shall be complex, using a combination of hips with gables, dormers where appropriate to the style, turrets, or other features that emphasize the importance of Victorian-era or Craftsman styling.
3. Repair or replace roof details (chimneys, etc).
4. Materials used in roofing existing buildings or new construction shall duplicate the roofing materials originally found in the neighborhood. Asphalt or fiberglass shingles can be appropriate, as are wood, slate, standing seam metal, or metal shingle or tile roof coverings.

B. Windows
1. Original windows shall be reused if possible. It will be much less expensive and much better historically to retain the original windows, and it is inappropriate to replace them with new windows that differ in size, material, or pane division.
2. If replacement windows are necessary, they shall be the same original size as the originals, with the same pane division and the same muntin depth, width, and profile. They shall be the same materials as the original windows, which were generally wood.
6. Windows may not be blocked in. They must retain the full height and width of the original opening.

C. Porches
1. Historic porches on houses in Old North Knoxville should be repaired, or may replicate the original porch if documentation of its size and design can be discovered.
2. Design elements to be incorporated in any new porch design must include tongue and groove wood floors, beadboard ceilings, wood posts and/or columns and sawn and turned wood trim when appropriate. If balustrades are required, they must be designed with spindles set into the top and bottom rails.

D. Entrances
3. It may be appropriate to design or construct a new entrance if the historic one is completely missing. Any restoration shall be based on historical, pictorial, or physical documentation, if available. It shall be compatible with the historic character of the building or with adjacent buildings.
4. A replacement entrance shall not create a false historic appearance. A new entrance or porch must be compatible in size, scale, or material.

L. Additions
1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building, and using historic proportions.
2. Design new additions so that it is clear what is historic and what is new.
3. Consider the attached exterior addition both in terms of the new use and the appearance of other buildings in the historic district. Additions shall be distinguishable from the historic building, but shall be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture, and scale. Additions shall be designed so they can be removed without destroying the form of the historic building.
4. New additions should not be visible from streets.
6. Do not cause a loss of historic character through a new addition.

Kenneth Kenneth Hamilton - Good Guys Construction Good Guys Construction

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History