Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the proposal.

Location Knoxville
1012 Gratz St 37917

Robert and Melynda Robert and Melynda Whetsel

Applicant Request
Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Doors; Porch elements
Reconfigure the 1st-floor façade and back entry to more closely match the original which was remodeled sometime in the past 25 years. Recreate the rear façade by re-opening a portion of the depth of the recessed porch based on physical evidence in the structure of the house, and re-installing the original set of doors. Replace the small window on the rear with a set of double-hung 3-over-1 window. These windows will be true-divided-light and will match the other set of twin windows on the rear in muntin configuration and size. Extend the length of the shed roof dormer on the south roof pitch of the house 6 more feet to match the length of that on the north roof pitch which is 14 feet long. The end of the south dormer will be removed to allow for the extension to match existing design, with another centered wooden double-hung 3/1 window to match that of the existing in style, size and material.

Staff Comments
Craftsman (c. 1915)
    One-and-a-half-story frame front-gabled Craftsman bungalow with shed roof dormers of unequal length on each side. Integral porch supported by brick piers. Altered rear façade.

1. Repair porches on historic houses using wood floors, balustrades, posts and columns, or replace duplicating the original size and design. Reconstruction of the documented original porch is also appropriate.

4. Secondary entrances should be compatible with the originals in size, scale or materials . . ..

1. Locate attached exterior additions at the rear or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building. Proportion is very important.

8. New additions should not cause a lessening or loss of historic character, including the historic building's design, materials, workmanship, location, or setting.

Robert and Melynda Robert and Melynda Whetsel

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History