Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 102708ONK. The room the applicant proposes to add to the house is at the rear of the building, not visible from Scott. The design guidelines provide that additions are to be at the rear of the historic building.

Location Knoxville
110 E Scott Ave 37917

Southeast side of E. Scott Ave., northeast of N. Central St.

Glen Glen Lowery

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Other: Closet addition on existing patio
Constructing a walk-in closet on the existing elevated deck with in-kind exterior materials, under a shed roof that extends the already existing shed roof. Addition is on the rear elevation of the house and will not be visible from Scott Avenue.

Queen Anne Cottage (1907)
    One story frame with aluminum siding. Hip roof with lower cross gables and asphalt shingle covering, rectangular patterned pane attic window. Double hung two over two windows. One story one-half front porch with replacement metal columns Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Large elevated deck on rear elevation, not visible from Scott.

Glen Glen Lowery

Case History