Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 10107EDG. Proposed work is consisted with adopted design guidelines. (See pg. 17, Windows, #3; pg. 19; and Masonry, pg. 25, #2 & #5. The rear porch proposed for screening is not visible from Washingotn.

Location Knoxville
1907 Washington Ave

George Carter

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Skylights or solar collectors; Windows
Replace wood one over one double hung window in front bay with one over one double hung wood window, same size to match existing opening. Screen in rear porch, not visible from Washington. Repair Masonry using Preservation Brief No. 2.

Queen Anne (c.1910)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with projecting front cross gable with cornice returns, altered by full one over one window, and gable on east elevation. One over one double hung windows. One-half front porch with gablet over entry, square wood posts, altered by lattice railling. Octagonal bay on west elevation and square bay on front elevation. Imbricated wood shingles in front gable and porch gablet. Irregular plan.

George Carter

Case History