Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Mr. Hall is now working under a Certificate that expired November 1, 2004. He has made quite a bit of progress on the exterior of the house in the last few weeks. In order to keep his building permit current, he will need another certificate.

Location Knoxville
915 Luttrell St 37917

Ron Hall

Applicant Request
II. Replacement/repair
Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Siding; Storm windows or doors; Windows
Reroof; remove artificial siding and repair remaining wood siding/shingles in kind; restucco foundation as necessary using a soft mortar; restore original front door; add French doors to rear; remove storm windows and repair original wood windows, possibly replacing storm windows with color-clad storms; add wood double hung windows to kitchen on rear and rear/side elevations, not visible from Luttrell.

Altered Queen Anne (c.1910)
    Two story frame with aluminum siding wall covering. Cross gable roof with aspahlt shingle roof covering. Two over two double hung windows. Concrete stoop. Interior offset brick chimney. Stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan. Dentil molding at entry door.

Case History