Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is repair work of existing alterations to historic structure, is consistent with adopted Old North Knoxville Design Guidelines, and will help insure survival of house.

Location Knoxville
1120 Harvey St

Patrick Kennedy

Applicant Request
Doors; Guttering; Windows
Replace added rear windows with metal clad wood windows. (NOTE: These windows are on a previously enclosed rear porch not visible from street.) Replace wood half-view door with wood half-view door. Wrap casings surrounded by previously applied artificial siding. Repair foundation as necessary using Preservation Brief No. 2. Reroof. Install gutters and downspouts.

Altered Queen Anne Cottage (c.1910)
    One story frame with aluminum siding. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle covering. Double hung replacement windows. One story two-thirds front porch with replacement metal posts. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irreguar plan.

Department of Development, Joe MacDonald

Case History