Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-F-24-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) front setback to be revised to align with the adjacent houses; 2) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 3) final site plan to include trees in the front and rear yards.

712 Atlantic Ave. 37917

Jennifer Jennifer Robinson - Sterchi 10th Floor Ventures, L

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be set with the front porch (extending the full length of the façade) 20' from the front property line (an additional 10' to the main massing of the house). The average front setback of the blockface is 32.1', and the adjacent houses are set 32' and 30' from the front property line. The house should be recessed towards the rear property line to align with the adjacent houses.

2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by Craftsman bungalows and infill construction. The three-bay façade is proportionate to the dimensions of the lot and the house has side setbacks consistent with the block.

3. The proposed parking meets the Infill Housing design guidelines as it is located to the rear of the property and accessed from the alley. Final site plan revisions may be necessary to meet City Engineering standards.

4. The façade is similar in scale to the neighborhood context. The house is slightly taller than the houses on the block but reduces the two-story scale on the façade via a smaller dormer. The façade has a height similar to the block's historic context.

5. The house incorporates a 10' deep, full-length front porch which meets the design guidelines, with porch supports consistent with the house's style and the context.

6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar to historic houses on the block, with similar placement and ratio of solid to void. All elevations features sufficient transparency for the context. While the east elevation has a larger swath of siding without transparency on the projecting shed-roof massing, the massing features one window facing the street.

7. Roofing, siding, and foundation materials meet the design guidelines.

8. The final site plan should incorporate one native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards.

Staff Comments
New primary structure fronting Atlantic Avenue. Two-story residence features a side-gable roof (5/12 pitch) with front-gable roof massings projecting from the façade and rear elevation. The façade features a full-length, 10' deep front porch is covered by a shed roof and supported by tapered columns clad in fiber cement veneer. The house features an exterior of fiber cement horizontal lap siding on the first story and fiber cement shakes on the second story, with a foundation clad in brick veneer. The house measures 28' wide and 56' deep and will be set 20' from the front property line. Parking is located on a 20' wide concrete pad in the rear and accessed via an alley.

The façade (north) is three bays wide, and the first story features two pairs of double-hung windows flanking a half-lite door in the center. The second story features a front-gable dormer with a pair of double-hung windows flanked by double-hung windows. The east (left) elevation features two double-hung windows on the first and second stories. The west (right) elevation features a chimney and six double-hung windows on the first story and one window on the second story. The rear elevation features a secondary entrance, back porch covered by a shed roof, two pairs of double-hung windows, a pair of double-hung windows, and four full-lite picture windows.

Joseph Joseph Mayer - HCC Development HCC Development

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History