Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-F-22-HZ as submitted.

Location Knoxville
125 W. Glenwood Ave. 37917

Jana Jana Morgan - Nate Kelly Nate Kelly

Applicant Request
Additions; Doors; Porch; Windows
Removal of non-historic enclosed rear porch and wood steps; existing roofline, frieze board, water table, and foundation to remain.

New enclosure to feature a new wood patio door with simulated divided lights, new painted wood trim below the existing frieze boards, new adjoining wood casement windows, and a new painted beadboard knee wall below the windows. A new pressure-treated wood deck and steps will extend to the rear of the property.

Staff Comments
Craftsman, c.1930
    One-and-one-half-story frame residence with a side-gable roof, an exterior of brick veneer, and a brick foundaiton. Hosue features two front-gable roof dormers on front and rear roof slopes and a full-length porch supported by brick columns.

L. Additions
1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building, and using appropriate proportions.
2. Design new additions so that it is clear what is historic and what is new.
3. Consider the attached exterior addition both in terms of the new use and the appearance of other buildings in the historic district. Additions shall be distinguishable from the historic building, but shall be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture, and scale. Additions shall be designed so they can be removed without destroying the form of the historic building.
5. Before expanding the size of the historic building with a new addition, try reconfiguring interior space that does not define the historic character of the building in order to accommodate the new space needs.
6. Do not cause a loss of historic character through a new addition.

4. A replacement entrance shall not create a false historic appearance. A new entrance or porch must be compatible in size, scale, or material.
7. Secondary entrances must be compatible with the original in size, scale, and materials, but clearly secondary in importance.

Richard-Allen Richard-Allen Foster - Open Door Architecture Open Door Architecture

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History