Historic Zoning Commission

Emerald Academy - Former Moses School: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Denial of retaining the existing east side wall sign, or replacing it with another sign (based noncompliance with the Secretary of Interiors Standards). Approval (contingent on BZA approval) of the two proposed ground signs.

Location Knoxville
220 Carrick St

Emerald Academy

Applicant Request
Level II. Installation of signage
Install two double-sided painted metal signs. Profile of sign to mimic historic parapet shape over main door. 15 s.f. per side, 2 sides, equal 30 s.f. per sign. Located at each end of new driveway -- one perpendicular to Carrick Street and one perpendicular to Arthur Street. Request to allow existing painted metal wall-mounted sign at 158.44 s.f. to remain within decorative brick framing on east elevation.

Staff Comments
Collegiate Gothic (c. 1917)
    Two-story seven-bay brick with raised basement. Flat roof with cast-stone trimmed raised parapet. Replacement aluminum clad windows that duplicate original window pane and transom configuration. (Original windows were removed from the building c. 1960.) One-story projecting front entry with parapet roof and duplicated entry on west elevation. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (contributing)

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards (SOI) for Rehabilitation -- Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.
2. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features should be avoided when possible..

Using inappropriately scaled signs and logos or other types of signs that obscure, damage, or destroy remaining character-defining features of the historic building.

Introducing a new design that is incompatible in size, scale, [or] material . ..

. . . the treatment of secondary design elements, such as awnings or signs, [should be] kept as simple as possible.

McCarty Holsaple McCarty Architects - Brian Pittman, AIA Brian Pittman, AIA

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History