Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 1017074&G. Proposed work is consistent with adopted design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
815 Luttrell St 37917

Barry Bruce

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Siding; Windows
Level I: Repair siding and soffits with identical design and materials, as necessary; Replace lower sashes only of wood windows with one pane wood sashes to duplicate original size.
Level II: Replace window in stairwell, on side elevation and not visible from Luttrell, with new wood window with identical mullion pattern. Replace side gable attic vent window with three light wood window, Palladian like in design with central window taller than window on each side, with mullions to mimic existing mullion pattern. Add skylights on rear roof planes, not visible from Luttrell.

Queen Anne (c.1895)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle roof covering, tripartite front gable window with two light transoms. Double hung windows with Prairie style upper sash over one light lower sash. One story front and side wrap around porch with paired fluted square wood columns with Ionic capitals and square fluted pilasters at front entry, two second story balconies, one front and one north elevation, with paired fluted round wood posts with Ionic capitals on shingled balustrades, bead board porch ceilings. Chimneys removed. Stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan. Replacement transom and sidelights at front entry. Entablature above windows.

Barry Bruce

Case History