Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 102903ONK. Proposed maintenance of siding is consistent with adopted Old North Knoxville Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
225 E Oklahoma Ave

Lisa Sorenson & Schott Schimmel

Applicant Request
Replace approximately 50 sq. ft. of extremely deteriorated poplar siding with poplar siding of the same size.

Queen Anne (c.1900)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingle covering. Double hung one over one windows. One story wrap around front and side porch with round wood posts on brick piers and spindled wood balustrade. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Recessed sidelights and transom at front entry.

Gregg Webb/Structured Solutions

Case History