Historic Zoning Commission

Mechanicsville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 101309MEC. Proposed change is located at the rear of the house, is not visible from Tulip Street, and is consistent in deisgn with the existing house.

Location Knoxville
1009 Tulip Ave

Larry Horton

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Extend rear wall, west half of rear elevation, 2-3 feet; add rear porch behind addition, 4' deep; alter rear shed roof to be gable end, shingled roof covering, wood siding, matching original house; repair brick front steps and concrete buttresses; install ridge vent in roof; install gutters and downspouts. (NOTE: Level I Certificate is in effect for exterior rehab - Certificate No. 81209MEC. This Certificate is a supplement to that one.)

Craftsman (c.1920)
    One and one-half story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side gable roof with front gable dormer, exposed rafters, asphalt roll roofing. One story two-thirds front porch with square wood posts with Doric capitals on brick piers. Double hung one over one and three over one windows. Interior offset brick chimney. Rectangular plan.

Larry Horton

Case History