Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 1102054&G. Work is consistent with the adopted Design Guidelines: wood railings on front porches (12-1), concealing added decks or porches on rear (18-1); replacing materials (14-3, 14-4), entrance doors (13-2) and gutters (p.10)

Location Knoxville
831 Deery St

Marian Singh

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Deck; Doors; Guttering; Roofing
Install porch handrails of 2x2s on 4-5" centers set in top and bottom rails; install gutters and downspouts; tuckpoint masonry following provisions of Preservation Brief No. 2; repair damaged, existing T-111 siding as required; repair fascia and soffits in kind; install foundation vents; install wood half-view front entry door; install French doors at rear of house, not visible from Deery; install 12/ x 12/ deck at rear of home, not visible from Deery.

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1890)
    One story frame with vertical grooved wooden sheet siding (T-111) of recent vintage for wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables and asphalt shingle roof covering, diamond shaped attic vents. Two over two double hung replacement windows with one over one double hung tripartite window on gabled pediment on front elevation. One story two thirds front porch with replacement wood columns, and one original chamfered wood post on a weather boarded truncated pier. Interior offset brick chimney. Added exterior side brick chimney filling one side of projecting bay window. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Chimney on south elevation projecting bay has a cast head of Robert E. Lee on a plaque, in bas relief, facing south.

Department of Development, Scott Haynes

Case History