Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Providing for initial discussion between the Board and applicant on the two options presented,
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 11-B-22-IH (option 1), with the following conditions:
1) Main massing of the house to be moved 3' away from the front property line to avoid front porch encroachment issues;
2) Final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and parking revised to meet Infill Housing design guidelines;
3) Use lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding.
Location 3307 Savoy St. 37921
OwnerBill Bill Terry Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The new house is proposed to be set 20' from the front property line, with the front porch set 12' from the front property line. The block lacks a significant context for a front setback pattern. Per the City zoning code, the front porch can only encroach 5' into the front setback; the house will need to be moved back 3' from the front property line to avoid encroachment issues. This will align the house further with the new construction at 3311 Savoy Street. The site plan includes a walkway to the street.
2. The block lacks significant context for comparable historic houses. On the other side of the street, the houses front Divide Street. The adjacent new construction at 3311 Savoy Street is a one-story, three-bay infill construction (10-E-21-IH).
3. The design guidelines recommend that, for a street without an operable alley, parking should be limited to one lane and extend to at least 20' behind the front façade of the house. The parking should be revised to extend the full length of the house so parking can avoid the front yard. The final site plan should meet City Engineering standards.
4. A one-story, five-bay Ranch house is wider than the typical Queen Anne cottages and Craftsman residences of Lonsdale. However, there are multiple modest Ranch form houses in this area of the neighborhood, including infill construction on the 3300 block of Divide Street, some midcentury houses on the 3400 block of McPherson Street, and nearby properties on Divide Street. The immediate blocks lack significant context. The Board may choose to discuss the Ranch house as an appropriate form for this block, or discuss the three-bay second option presented by the applicant.
5. The proposed front-gable roof porch is proportionate to the façade and incorporates sufficient detailing.
6. The façade, side, and rear elevations demonstrate a sufficient amount of transparency. Basic window trim would contribute additional complexity to the simple design of the house.
7. The proposed 6/12 pitch roof is typically the minimum pitch approved under the Infill Housing design guidelines, and appropriate for the Ranch form of the house. The front-gable roof porch contributes additional roofline complexity.
8. The overall materials are appropriate within the design guidelines. The vinyl siding should be lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding.
9. The site plan includes a new front yard tree.
Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Savoy Street. One-story residence measures 44' wide by 30' deep, featuring a side-gable roof (6/12 pitch, clad in asphalt shingles), an exterior of vinyl siding, and a stuccoed CMU foundation. The house will be set 20' from the front property line, with an 8' deep front porch set 12' from the front property line. Parking is provided by a 12' wide by 40' long concrete driveway to the right (north) of the house.
The house is a rectangular Ranch house, with a four-bay façade fronting Savoy Street. The façade features a front-gable roof (6/12 pitch) porch supported by tapered posts on brick piers, with a gable field clad in shingle vinyl siding. The porch is centered over a centrally-located door flanked by two double-hung windows. There are two equally spaced double-hung windows on the left elevation, with one and a secondary entry on the right side.
While the applicant has submitted a Ranch-type house due to the width of the lot and the property's slope towards the rear, they have included a second option for discussion. The second option measures 30' wide by 44' deep, with a front-gable roof and a centrally-located front porch. See exterior details in "option 2" in the application.