Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval the work as submitted, with the condition that (at minimum) one window be added to the addition's right side elevation, to match size and design of existing windows.

1719 Connecticut Ave. 37921


Applicant Request
Additions visible from the primary street
The proposed addition meets the Infill Housing Design Guidelines as it is proposed for a rear elevation; uses exterior cladding, roof materials, doors, and windows similar to the existing house; and uses a roofline which compliments the existing. The 2' tall, parge-coated foundation is appropriate for the house.

The addition will be minimally visible from the public right-of-way. The house to receive the addition dates to c.2002, so the addition will have no effect on any historic design or materials. The stepped-down roofline will sufficiently differentiate the addition from the existing house. An additional window on the right side elevation will contribute to the ratio of "solids to voids" recommended in the design guidelines.

Staff Comments
Rear addition on c.2002 house. Addition will project from the rear left (northwest) elevation of house, set approximately 5' from left side property line. Addition will extend 20' long, with a 7'-9" floor-to-ceiling height, resting on a 2' tall foundation. The existing gable roofline will be stepped down for the addition. The addition will feature an asphalt shingle roof, vinyl siding to match existing, one 6/6 vinyl double-hung window, and a parge-coated CMU foundation. One window is proposed for the left side elevation, with none on the right. An existing storage shed will be relocated for the new addition.

Charles D Charles D Sherrod City of Knoxville Community Develo

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History