Historic Zoning Commission

N/A: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 10307GEN. The propsoed work items are consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards.

Location Knoxville
129 W Jackson Ave

Testerman, Testerman & Buckner

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Roofing; Signs; Windows
Restore brickwork, pointing masonry as needed (Preservation Brief No. 2); reroof; replace windows with one over one double hung using wood on front and side elevations, metal clad wood on rear; construct small penthouse on roof, not visible until over approximately 100 feet from front façade; install wood-framed shop windows on front elevation with transoms and bulkheads; recess entry doors, with transoms and steps leading to entries; remove added window on north and west elevation and reinstall windows that were removed sized to fit the original openings; rework gutter system on rear of building.

Richardsonian Romanesque with Victorian Vernacular Influence (1889)
    Three story brick with rusticated stone accents, flat roof, brick foundation, rectangular shape two bay front elevation. First floor front elevation consists of bays separated by stone columns, with central doors flanked by one over one storefront windows with transoms and bulkheads, marked by cast iron columns and sills, and a sign board topping the transoms, which in turn is topped by a stone stringcourse. Second story windows are paired, with stone stills and stone flat arches. A patterned, corbelled brick panel tops each of these windows.. A continuous stone still forms the foundation for the third story windows, which are paired and topped by full-arched transoms, with stone keystones. A stone still also appears at the top of the third story windows, with arcaded windows with full arched tops. The cornice line is patterned brick topped by a stone parapet. Windows and window openings on the side (west and rear (north) elevations have been altered. Wall signs painted on brick on the rear elevation and side elevations advertise JFG Coffee; the sign board on the front elevation bears the lettering for JFG Coffee Warehouse.

(Leslie Fawaz) (Leslie Fawaz) BarberMcMurry

Case History