Level II. Demolition or relocation of noncontributing structure
Demolition and removal of two-story, single-family residence at 115 James Agee Street.
Staff Comments
Vernacular Victorian (c.1900)
Two-story frame residence with a side-gable rofo clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior of brick veneer, and a brick foundation. A hipped-roof porch extends the length of the east elevation, with the right half enclosed with non-historic siding and windows. Interior central brick chimney.
J. Demolition Property owners may demolish structures in the NC-1 District that the Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission (HZC) finds to be non-contributing to the district. A report, dated July/August 2000, establishes the location of non-contributing structures at the time that the NC-1 district was under consideration.