Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 106114G.There are 28 windows in this building, all of which are deteriorated due to lack of maintenance by a previous owner. They must be replaced, and replacement windows with three light upper sashes are not available.

Location Knoxville
714 Haynes Pl

Daniel Sanders

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Install new wood double sash windows, with one over one lights, to replace existing rotted out three over one windows. Structure has 32 windows, all of which are extremely deteriorated and cannot by repaired but should be replaced. Three light sashes are not available except in custom windows, and in custom windows would not be true divided lights.

Bungalow with Mediterranean Colonial influence (c.1920)
    Two story frame rowhouse with brick veneer wall covering. Hipped roof with pantile roof covering. Three over one double hung windows. One story full hipped roof front porch with brick columns and balustrade, brick piers at entrance, and pantile roof covering. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick raised foundation. Rectangular plan.

Daniel Daniel Sanders

Case History