Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 10307AEDG. Proposed work items are consistent with the adopted Edgewood-Park City Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
2019 Washington Ave 37917

Leonard Vaughen

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Porch elements; Roofing; Siding; Windows; Other: Rear addition
Repair fire related damage to exterior of building, including restoring wood siding, repairing front porch and bargeboard, repairing columns, and installing balustrade of 2"x2" spindles set into top rail (3-1/2") and bottom rail (2"x3") with height of balustrade at 2'2-1/2" spindles set into top and bottom rail; replace small paned replacement windows with one over one wood sash windows; install new roof covering; construct rear room and porch addition, extending roof slope of wing and reusing or matching existing bargeboard, including brick surfaced foundation, one over one matching wood windows (two on rear and one on side elevations), and rear porch with shed roof, turned wood columns with sawn wood brackets, vertically sided eave on rear porch, tongue and groove rear porch floor. Interior spaces in rear addition will result in one added bay on west elevation, and two on east elevation with shed roofed central portion and gable at rear. Add shed roofed dormer at rear with one light wood casement windows and wood siding to match existing original siding on original structure. Install skylights on side (east) elevation towards rear of building.

Queen Anne cottage (c.1890)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Cross gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, boxed cornice and circular sawn wood attic vents. Elaborate bargeboard with sunbursts, beadwork trim and curved ends. One story porch with turned wood porch posts, curved sawn wood brackets and replacement sawn wood balustrade. Double hung six over six replacement windows. Stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan.

Leonard Leonard Vaughen

Case History