Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed with the following conditions: 1) retain the northeast cornerboard; 2) step down the porch gable between 8" and 1' below the main gable; 3) provide final siding specifications to staff for approval.

Location Knoxville
1232 Armstrong Ave. 37917

Samuel Samuel Evans - Samantha LaVoi Samantha LaVoi

Applicant Request
Additions; Porch
Construction of rear porch addition. Addition will extend from existing front-gable roof massing on the right side of the rear (east) elevation, measuring 16'-9" long and 14' wide. Addition will feature a gable roof with a 12/12 pitch, set approx. 2' below the existing gable roofline, with an asphalt shingle-clad roof and fascia details to match the existing.

Addition will be enclosed with full-length screen windows and wide-exposure siding to match the house. The porch features an open gable design enclosed with screen. On the left (south) side of the addition, a new screen door will provide access to the deck.

Left side of rear elevation will feature a rectangular wood deck, measuring 12'-6" wide by 5' deep, with three additional full-length steps surrounding the deck (overall footprint measures 15' wide by 6'-10-3/8" deep). Deck flooring will be 6" wide horizontal wood decking.

Conditions of approval per 1/21/21 HZC Meeting: 1) retain the northeast cornerboard; 2) step down the porch gable approximately 2' below the existing gable, to reflect rendering shown at 1/21 HZC meeting; 3) provide final siding specifications to staff for approval.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage, c.1910
    One-story residence with a hipped roof with lower cross gables, clad in asphalt shingle. House is clad in asbestos shingles and rests on a brick foundation. A recessed porch extends the left half of the façade, supported by wood chamfered columns. Replacement windows.

L. Additions
1. Locate exterior additions at the rear of or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relationship to the historic building, and using appropriate portions.
2. Design new additions so that it is clear what is historic and what is new.
3. Consider the attached exterior addition both in terms of the new use and the appearance of other buildings in the historic district. Additions shall be distinguishable from the historic building, but shall be compatible in terms of mass, materials, size, texture, and scale. Additions shall be designed so they can be removed without destroying the form of the historic building.
4. New additions should not be visible from streets.
6. Do not cause a loss of historic character through a new addition.

Samuel Samuel Evans - Samantha LaVoi Samantha LaVoi

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History