Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

The chimneys are original and contribute to the historic character of the house; therefore, the north side chimney, which is visible from the right-of-way, should be retained. The chimney on the rear south side is not visible from the right-of-way.

Location Knoxville
142 Leonard Pl 37917

Amy Amy Zimmerman

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Guttering; Roofing; Other: Chimney removal
Level I - Replace original exterior chimney stack above the roofline on the north side of the house (visible from the public r-o-w) to match original in design and size utilizing bricks original to the house. Replace roof shingles and gutters on rear south and north side of house as needed to match existing.

Level II - Remove original chimney stack above roofline on rear south side of house (which is not visible from the public right-of-way).

Queen Anne Cottatge with Craftsman influence
    One-story frame with weatherboard siding . Hip roof with lower cross-gables and asphalt shingle roof. Two interior side brick chimneys, one front and one rear.

Amy Amy Zimmerman

Case History