Historic Zoning Commission

Market Square H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 10611MKT. The proposed work items are consistent with the Market Square Design Guidelines, and with the Secretary of Interior's Standards, necessary in order to pursue preservation tax incentives.

Location Knoxville
407 Union Ave 37902

Market Square Hotel LLC

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Masonry repair/painting; Signs
Replace existing concrete at Union Avenue entry with rectangular stained concrete paving with brick paver margins, with The Oliver Hotel in metal lettering embedded in stained concrete; replace existing entry with central pivoting door with one light, flanked by two 3'6" sidelights with central light and three light transom; and secondary door with two paneled fixed enclosure with large pane windows in each panel topped by transoms; all doors openings to be in wood casing. Add new uplighting at existing outlet locations on south elevation. Remove existing awning and banners. Repair and repaint existing wrought iron balcony and columns and cover balcony floor grate with galvanized flashing painted to match existing wrought iron structure. Remove existing sign and hang new blade sign from balcony. Place "Oliver Hotel" decals on existing sconces. Install new primary sign tentatively proposed as a 12' tall by 3' wide blade sign with a 5' wide base, with letters to be lit internally with exposed bulbs. Install new awning coverings on each elevation with existing columns painted black and awning coverings to be black. Repoint and repaint brick as necessary, including infilling existing steel beam. Cover holes in wall at recessed entry with stucco, repainting exit and replacing steel door with steel door. Replace existing flashing with copper flashing. Remove existing brick veneer at columns on south elevation and replace with brick veneer matching original brick in size and layout.

Italianate Commercial (c.1872)
    Peter Kern Building. Three story, three bay brick building with similar facades. Bracketed ornamental metal cornice. Segmental arched replacement windows. Ornamental metal window hoods. Ornamental brick string course between second and third stories. Applied keystones above windows. C. 1980 storefront. Entrance to upper stories on south elevation (407 Union).

    The first recorded occupancy of the building was by Peter Kern Co. bakers and confectioners in 1876. The building housed the Cole, Inc. Pharmacy from 1935 through 1965, and the upper floors have served as a small boutique hotel since the 1980s. The building is individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places as The Mall Building, and is included in the Market Square National Register Historic District, as well.

Joshua Joshua Wright - Architects Wright Architects Wright

Case History