Property Information
South side of W. Governor John Sevier Hwy, north side of Tipton Station Rd, west side of Stout Ln, west of Winkle Ln
Commission District 9
Size27.37 acres
Place Type DesignationTN (Traditional Neighborhood)
Currently on the Property
Agriculture/Forestry/Vacant Land
Growth PlanPlanned Growth Area
Fire Department / DistrictSeymour Volunteer Fire Department
- Utilities
SewerKnox-Chapman Utility District
WaterKnox-Chapman Utility District
Case Notes
Disposition Summary
Approve the development plan for up to 137 dwelling units on individual lots, subject to 2 conditions.
Staff Recommendation
Approve the development plan for up to 137 dwelling units on individual lots, subject to 2 conditions.
1. Meeting all applicable requirements of the Knox County Zoning Ordinance and the three zoning conditions.
2. The maximum height of the attached dwellings shall be 35 feet.
With the conditions noted, this plan meets the requirements for approval in the PR zone and the criteria for approval of a development plan.
In the exercise of its administrative judgment, the Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed plan is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance and adopted plans.
PR(k) (Planned Residential) up to 5 du/ac, subject to 3 conditions.
A. The PR zone allows attached and detached houses as permitted uses. The administrative procedures for the PR zone require the Planning Commission to approve the development plan before permits can be issued (Knox County Zoning Ordinance Article 5, Section 5.13.15).
B. The PR zoning allows consideration of up to 5 du/ac. The proposed subdivision has a density of 4.94 du/ac.
C. The PR zone established a maximum height for detached houses, but all other uses have a maximum height established by the Planning Commission. Staff recommend a maximum height of 35 ft for the attached houses, consistent with the other residential houses in the subdivision and the general area.
A. The 50-ft non-disturbance buffer is provided along the Governor John Sevier Highway frontage, landscape screening along the Tipton Station Road frontage, and common area along the Stout Lane frontage, consistent with Policy 2 to ensure that development is sensitive to existing community character.
B. The development includes a mix of attached and detached houses and is located within 1.5 miles of South-Doyle High and 2.5 miles to Bonny Kate Elementary schools, consistent with Policy 5 to create neighborhoods with a variety of housing types and amenities in close proximity.
C. A road stub-out is proposed from Road 'E' to the property at the corner of Winkle Lane and Governor John Sevier Highway. This is consistent with Policy 11, to promote connectivity with new development, increase mobility, and encourage active transportation and recreation.
D. The 20-ft greenway easement along the Tipton Station Road frontage is consistent with Policy 21.3, to set aside rights-of-way or easements for future greenways as neighborhoods are planned.
A. The development is located in the TN (Traditional Neighborhood) place type on the Future Land Use Map. Traditional Neighborhood areas feature a mix of housing ranging from single-family to townhomes and small multifamily buildings. They have a walkable block pattern, a mix of housing types within the neighborhood, and neighborhood amenities such as parks and schools. Small office, commercial, and civic uses may also exist in these areas along major thoroughfares. These areas are typically connected to a mixed-use center.
B. The development consists of single-family and attached residential, which are primary uses in the TN place type and intended to be the predominant focus.
C. The proposal conforms to the form attributes of the TN place type, which recommends building heights of 1-3 stories, front setbacks of 0-20 ft, and open space that includes private neighborhood open spaces.
D. The proposed stub-out on Road 'E' is to a property with the CMU (Corridor Mixed Use) and TN place types, which can potentially be a small mixed-use center. This is consistent with the intent of the place type, which is to be connected to a mixed-use center.
A. The property is within the Planned Growth Area. The purposes of the Planned Growth Area designation are to encourage a reasonably compact pattern of development, promote expansion of the Knox County economy, offer a wide range of housing choices, and coordinate the actions of the public and private sectors, particularly with regard to provision of adequate roads, utilities, schools, drainage and other public facilities and services. - The proposed development is consistent with the growth plan.