Historic Zoning Commission

Scenic Drive NC-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval with the condition that the final selection of garage door design be submitted to staff for approval.

Location Knoxville
1003 Scenic Dr 37919

Michael and Julie Michael and Julie Seals

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding
Accessory structure; Additions
Construct 1-story brick-clad garage to rear of house. Connect garage to existing house with 1-story, approximately 23-foot long addition, which will project out approximately 12 feet from the rear east side of the house. Construct a bay three-sided bay window on the rear of the house clad with fiber cement board. A former garage was demolished on the site for the proposed garage. The new garage will be constructed on the same slab, but will have a footprint that is approximately 3.5 feet deeper and 2 feet longer. The garage and addition will have materials to match those of the former garage and the existing house such as shutters, hipped roof, asphalt roof shingles, brick foundation, double-hung windows, and gutters. The garage and addition will, however, be clad in fiber cement board siding.

Staff Comments
Colonial Revival (1929)
    Two-story frame with brick veneer wall covering. Low- pitched hip and cross gable roof with slate roof covering. Five-bay façade with central entry highlighted by front porch with tripled round wood columns at front corners and engaged pilasters at rear supporting second-story balcony, sawn wood rail. First-story front entry with fanlight and sidelights. Second-story porch entry through paired ten-light French doors. Six-over-six-double-hung wood windows. Interior side brick chimney. Extended one-story brick wall on north elevation with arched entry. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. (Contributing)

2. In constructing new buildings, the materials to
be used should be appropriate for the style of
house that is being constructed. The styles are
described in the Properties Inventory, and are
summarized in these design guidelines.

4. The maximum lot coverage for the footprint
of a house and accessory buildings shall not
exceed 30% of the lot. Pavement in front and/or
side yards visible from public streets shall be
minimized, so that the landscaping and plantings
convey the impression of a residential setting.
The desirable maximum lot coverage for all
impermeable surfaces including the primary
structure, accessory buildings, driveway, pool,
patio, tennis court and other features on the lot
is 50% of the lot. Impermeable surfaces on lots
should not exceed 65%.

5. Side and rear setbacks . . of contributing primary
buildings combinedwith their new additions, shall respect
the lot placement of existing historic buildings. In no
case shall the side yards be less than 8 feet for a
single story or 12 feet for a multi-story building,
with a combined side yard measurement for
both sides of the building of not less than twenty

6. New additions and constructions shall conform
to the prevailing widths and heights of typical
facades of adjacent houses. The footprint of
new additions and constructions should be in
character and proportion with contributing
neighboring houses, even if originally
platted lots have been combined into larger
lots. Detached accessory buildings shall be
proportional to the house in height and size.

7. Carports and garage doors should not face
the street except in cases where there is no
reasonable alternative. If they do face the
street, garage entrances should be designed
to be consistent with the home's architectural

8. The design of detached garages and carports
and the materials of which they are constructed
should be consistent with the character of the
main structure.

9. The recommended location for additions
is to the rear or side of existing buildings.
If additions are to be made to the side elevations
of existing buildings, they should be located
at least five feet behind the front facade of the
existing building.

10. Detached accessory buildings, including
carports and detached garages, should be
located at least fifteen feet to the rear of the
front facade line and no nearer than five feet to
a side or rear lot line. In size, they should not
exceed the building footprint of the principal
building and should be consistent in scale with
the primary building on the lot.

11. The design of additions, accessory buildings,
including carports, and modifications, should
be consistent with the character of the main

12. If an addition or modification is made to an
existing house, the wall cladding material
should match or complement those on the
existing house. Traditional combinations such
as wood clapboard or wood shingle siding
additions on brick or stone primary structures
are acceptable if matching materials cannot be
secured. The roofing material for additions and
modifi cations should match the existing roofing

13. All construction plans shall assess and take
into account the impact of drainage on both the
subject property and neighboring properties.

Will Will McWhorter - Schmid & Rhodes Construction Schmid & Rhodes Construction

Planning Staff
Kaye Graybeal
Phone: 215-2500
Email: contact@knoxplanning.org

Case History