Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 122408ONK. Proposed demolition affects only addition on west elevation. Replacement is appropriate to design of house. Remaining changes will enhance historic character of building.

Location Knoxville
233 Kern Pl

Jean Winters

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Demolish two existing deteriorated additions visible from Folsom on west elevation at rear of house, and replace with a smaller addition, constructed of like materials (wood siding and window) and scaled to better match the original historic structure and to match the proportions of the original; repair fire damage on west elevation of existing historic building; repair existing block foundation and install parge coat; repair existing concrete block retaining wall on side and front curb; install new sidewalk at rear, and driveway off Folsom; install accessible ramp on rear elevation, readily removable when no longer needed; modify existing porch columns (not original) to be square, 6x6 columns with 8"x8" base and trim; remove lattice work on front porch; install new wood front doors matching original architecture of structure and replacing current doors that are not original; move satellite dish from front elevation to be less visible on rear, east roof plane.

Front porch railing (modified by HZC) to be 32 to 36 inches tall with 2x2 spindles set into top and bottom rails, and no reinforcing 2x4s on rail.

Folk Victorian (c.1900)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Side gable roof with asphalt shingle covering. Double hung two over two windows One story three quarter shed roofed front porch with round metal porch columns. Interior central brick chimney. Two room addition on west elevation, visible from Folsom. Concrete block foundation. Irregular plan.

Kortni Cook, Community Development

Case History