Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE all items on Certificate 10208EDG except replacement of windows with vinyl. Vinyl replacement window sashes do not have the same profile, width, or depth as wood windows. Other work items are consistent with the adopted design guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1625 Washington Ave 37917

Perry & Brandi Hodson

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Replace existing one over one double hung windows with wood, one over one, double pane, low E windows. Replace existing wood siding with wood siding, same profile and exposure. Repair or replace wood trim in kind. Replace asphalt shingle roof in kind. Replace tongue in groove porch flooring in kind.

Craftsman (c.1915)
    One story frame with weatherboard and wood shingle wall covering. Front gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, knee braces, rafters and louvered attic vents. One story three-quarters front porch with splayed incised wood posts on rusticated ashlar limestone piers, sawn wood balustrade. Two projecting one story side bays. Double hung one over one windows. Limestone foundation. Irregular plan. Eight-light sidelights at front entry.

Perry & Brandi Hodson

Case History