Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level III


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 10506ONK. Proposed work is consistent with adopted Design Guidelines, pg. 27, Sections G-k, with the exception of the existing setback pattern. Additional 10' setback will duplicate setback of original demolished building.

Location Knoxville
1329 Grainger Ave

Deborah Duncan

Applicant Request
Level III. New construction of primary building(s) or deviation from guidelines
Other: Construct new residence
Construct new one and one-half story Neoclassical-derived house with side facing gable roof, hip roof front facing dormer with windows with smaller pane divisions, 30" brick faced foundation, color-clad metal roof or asphalt shingle roof, one over one double hung wood windows and full one story front porch (depth - minimum 8') with wrap around side porch to extended porte cochere, tapered porch posts on shortened brick piers. If required, a balustrade should be sawn wood ballusters on 4-5" centers. Wood tongue & groove porch floor, beadboard ceiling and weatherboard wood wall covering. Setback from Grainger further than existing houses by at least 10'.


Deborah Duncan

Case History