Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE roof replacement; approve rehabilitation of rear windows; approve rear deck; deny vinyl replacement windows, soffit and fascia.

Location Knoxville
136 E Scott Ave

southeast corner of Scott and McMillan

Kevin Kevin Montgomery - D D

Applicant Request
Deck; Material changes (wood, brick, metal, etc.); Roofing; Windows
Replace roof (Certificate No. 10699ONK issued); replace windows with vinyl one over one double pane insulated windows; install vinyl soffit and fascia; rehabilitate rear windows on sleeping porch; install rear 6' x 8' to 10' x 12' deck. NOTE: Historic Zoning Commission meeting of January 20, 2000 - APPROVE roof replacement; APPROVE rear window rehabilitation; DENY vinyl window replacement and rear deck WITHOUT PREJUDICE, so applicant can appear in February before HZC to further explain project.

American Four Square with Craftsman influence (1922)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with asphalt shingle covering and modillions under eaves. Double hung one over one windows. One story three-quarter gabled front porch with Roman brick columns and balustrade. Rusticated cast concrete block foundation. Rectangular plan. Leaded glass transom.

David David Campbell - L. L.

Case History