Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


This 36 inch diameter projecting (hanging) sign was previously approved for 526 S. Gay St. (4-B-10-DT), the current location of The French Market. The restaurant is moving to this new location on Clinch Ave. and proposes to use the same hanging sign and bracket. The bracket will be approximately 15 feet above the sidewalk where there is a preexisting attachment location on the left side of the entry. The sign will be externally illuminated with lights attached to the building.

412 Clinch Ave

Applicant Request
This 36 inch diameter projecting (hanging) sign was previously approved for 526 S. Gay St. (4-B-10-DT), the current location of The French Market. The restaurant is moving to this new location on Clinch Ave. and proposes to use the same hanging sign and bracket. The bracket will be approximately 15 feet above the sidewalk where there is a preexisting attachment location on the left side of the entry. The sign will be externally illuminated with lights attached to the building.


The French Market, LLC

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History