Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate with modifications to insure that proposed project meets the Old North Knoxville Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
1012 Thompson Pl

William Monday

Applicant Request
Deck; Porch elements; Siding; Windows; Other: external metal stair
Replace novelty and masonite siding with 6" lap wood siding; repair exernal iron steps; replace front porch floor; remove round wood porch columns and exchange for square ones, install wood picket railing and install lattice strips on porch ceiling; rebuild rear deck (not visible from street) where piers remain, and install side deck to replace concrete stoop, both deck surfaces to be pressure treated wood. NOTE MODIFICATIONS BY HZC: 1) Siding - 4" lap with corner boards, cornice returns and other trim; 2) provide details of awning design; 3) replace porch floor in kind; 4) use round columns to match existing and repair or replace capitals in kind; 5) provide details of baluster/front porch balustrade design; 6) use bead board for porch ceiling; 7) provide plans for rear deck; 8) install new window on front façade to match original size; 9) provide detail of front gable window/vent.

Queen Anne Cottage (c.1910)
    One and one-half story frame with novelty one-board, two-bevel, siding and wide-board Masonite siding under porch covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, asphalt shingel covering. Double hung replacement windows with blocking to reduce size of original window opening. One story wrap around front and side porch with round wood columns with Scamozzi capitals and sawn wood balustrade. Two brick chimneys, one exterior end and one interior offset. Brick foundation. Irregular plan.

Victor Jernigan

Case History