Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
1201 Connecticut Ave. 37921
Monty Monty Fairchild
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure: Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities1. Previous approval was granted by the Infill Housing Committee for this site plan and house (with slight revisions made for this meeting) at 1201 Connecticut Avenue in 2008. However, that approval allowed some items that are not in compliance with the Infill Housing Guidelines.
2. While the Infill Housing Committee approvals do not have an expiration date per se, according to the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance, and Tennessee State Law, as referred to in the clip from the zoning ordinance below, the project's vesting rights have expired and the development must be reviewed as a new application.
3. The front yard and side yard setbacks are consistent with the adjacent houses and others found on this street.
4. Front yard planting is provided. A native tree should be planted in the rear yard, too, per the guidelines.
5. The driveway does not meet the infill guidelines and should be off of the alley since it is in good working condition.
a. Moving the driveway to the rear yard would allow the project to comply with both the Infill Design Guidelines' requirement for alley access (when available), and the City Engineering Department requirements for a parking pad.
b. Driveway access off the street is somewhat consistent with the rest of the houses on the block. However, these are properties that predate the Infill Design Guidelines, and parking in front of houses is one of the conditions the guidelines attempt to mitigate over time by requiring parking and access to be off of alleys.
6. The front porch size and setback are in compliance with Infill Guidelines.
7. Scale, massing and foundation height are consistent with other houses on the block.
8. The other houses on the block feature a mix of window grid styles. This would be the only house with a 3-over-1 grid, but due to the mix of styles already present, and the absence of a true architectural style for the proposed house, the window style would not appear out of character.
9. The roof material and design are in compliance with Infill Committee Guidelines.
10.Vertical siding is not allowed.
City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance, Article 15, Section 15.3 Vesting (relevant sections only):
In accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-4-310, the following provides for the vesting of developments through zoning applications.
A. Subject to item C, a vested property right must be established upon the City fts approval of a preliminary development plan, a final development plan where no preliminary development plan is required by ordinance or regulation, or a building permit allowing construction of a building where there was no need for prior approval of a preliminary development plan for the property on which that building will be constructed. During the vesting period in item C, the City fts development standards in effect on the date of said approval remain the development standards applicable to that property or building during the vesting period in item C.
B. A vested property right is established with respect to any property upon the appropriate department fts:
1. Approval of a preliminary or final development plan for any of the following Districts: RP-1, RP-2, RP-3, SC- 1, SC-2, SC-3, PC-1, PC-2, BP-1, TND-1, or TC-1 Districts.
2. Approval regarding a project in the I-1 District.
3. Approval regarding a use on review.
4. Approval of a certificate of appropriateness, when required.
5. Approval of a form district project.
6. Issuance of a site development permit.
7. Issuance of a written finding from the Director of Plans Review and Building Inspections that allowing a property right to remain vested is in the best interests of the community.
8. Any other approval or issuance specified in Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-4-310.
C. The applicable vesting periods are as follows:
1. For building permits…(n/a)
2. For approval of a preliminary development plan that does not progress in stages or phases, the initial vesting period is three years subject to the following:
a. The applicant must maintain all necessary permits during all vesting period(s) and any extension(s) in order to remain vested. During the initial vesting period, the applicant must obtain the City fts approval of the final development plan and commence site preparation. If the applicant complies, then the vesting period will be extended an additional two years.
b. During the two year extension, the applicant must commence construction and, if commenced, the development standards in effect during the vesting period remain in effect until the City certifies final completion of the development or project.
c. In no event will the total vesting period exceed ten years from the date of the approval of the preliminary development plan. (emphasis added)
3. For approval of a preliminary development plan that progresses in two or more stages or phases…(n/a)
2. While the Infill Housing Committee approvals do not have an expiration date per se, according to the City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance, and Tennessee State Law, as referred to in the clip from the zoning ordinance below, the project's vesting rights have expired and the development must be reviewed as a new application.
3. The front yard and side yard setbacks are consistent with the adjacent houses and others found on this street.
4. Front yard planting is provided. A native tree should be planted in the rear yard, too, per the guidelines.
5. The driveway does not meet the infill guidelines and should be off of the alley since it is in good working condition.
a. Moving the driveway to the rear yard would allow the project to comply with both the Infill Design Guidelines' requirement for alley access (when available), and the City Engineering Department requirements for a parking pad.
b. Driveway access off the street is somewhat consistent with the rest of the houses on the block. However, these are properties that predate the Infill Design Guidelines, and parking in front of houses is one of the conditions the guidelines attempt to mitigate over time by requiring parking and access to be off of alleys.
6. The front porch size and setback are in compliance with Infill Guidelines.
7. Scale, massing and foundation height are consistent with other houses on the block.
8. The other houses on the block feature a mix of window grid styles. This would be the only house with a 3-over-1 grid, but due to the mix of styles already present, and the absence of a true architectural style for the proposed house, the window style would not appear out of character.
9. The roof material and design are in compliance with Infill Committee Guidelines.
10.Vertical siding is not allowed.
City of Knoxville Zoning Ordinance, Article 15, Section 15.3 Vesting (relevant sections only):
In accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-4-310, the following provides for the vesting of developments through zoning applications.
A. Subject to item C, a vested property right must be established upon the City fts approval of a preliminary development plan, a final development plan where no preliminary development plan is required by ordinance or regulation, or a building permit allowing construction of a building where there was no need for prior approval of a preliminary development plan for the property on which that building will be constructed. During the vesting period in item C, the City fts development standards in effect on the date of said approval remain the development standards applicable to that property or building during the vesting period in item C.
B. A vested property right is established with respect to any property upon the appropriate department fts:
1. Approval of a preliminary or final development plan for any of the following Districts: RP-1, RP-2, RP-3, SC- 1, SC-2, SC-3, PC-1, PC-2, BP-1, TND-1, or TC-1 Districts.
2. Approval regarding a project in the I-1 District.
3. Approval regarding a use on review.
4. Approval of a certificate of appropriateness, when required.
5. Approval of a form district project.
6. Issuance of a site development permit.
7. Issuance of a written finding from the Director of Plans Review and Building Inspections that allowing a property right to remain vested is in the best interests of the community.
8. Any other approval or issuance specified in Tenn. Code Ann. § 13-4-310.
C. The applicable vesting periods are as follows:
1. For building permits…(n/a)
2. For approval of a preliminary development plan that does not progress in stages or phases, the initial vesting period is three years subject to the following:
a. The applicant must maintain all necessary permits during all vesting period(s) and any extension(s) in order to remain vested. During the initial vesting period, the applicant must obtain the City fts approval of the final development plan and commence site preparation. If the applicant complies, then the vesting period will be extended an additional two years.
b. During the two year extension, the applicant must commence construction and, if commenced, the development standards in effect during the vesting period remain in effect until the City certifies final completion of the development or project.
c. In no event will the total vesting period exceed ten years from the date of the approval of the preliminary development plan. (emphasis added)
3. For approval of a preliminary development plan that progresses in two or more stages or phases…(n/a)
Staff Comments
The applicant is proposing a new house and driveway for 1201 Connecticut Avenue.
Proposed Site:
1. The front setback of the primary structure is 25 ft and the setback for the front porch is 17 ft. The east or right side setback is 16 ft; the west or left side setback is 8 ft.
2. There is a working alley behind the house, but it would not be utilized according to the applicant's plans. Instead, a 10-ft wide driveway off of Connecticut Avenue is proposed to provide access to the site.
3. A 3 ft-wide walkway connects the front porch steps to the sidewalk on Connecticut Ave.
4. There is a native tree (a dogwood) proposed for the front yard.
Proposed House:
1. The new proposed house is a 3-bedroom, 1-story structure measuring 26-ft wide x 50-ft deep. It has an asymmetrical front façade with a front porch on the left side.
2. Proposed house does not reference a particular architectural style. It is consistent with other houses on the street.
3. The exposed foundation will be treated with a cement-washed stucco surface over cement block.
4. All windows have a four-over-four grid. The front façade has a pair of double windows flanking the front door with shutters that do not cover the width of the window. The notes state that the bedroom windows will meet egress requirements of the building code.
5. The front door has a 4-pane window on the top and 2 beveled panels on the bottom.
6. The front porch is 16-ft wide x 8-ft deep and features a gable roof with a 6:12 pitch ratio and dimensional shingles.
7. The wall beneath the porch gable is supported by 6-in x 6-in posts with a simple cap and base and features either horizontal siding or shake siding.
8. A larger gable over the main house also has a roof pitch ratio of 6:12 and dimensional shingles; the wall beneath this roof is likewise clad in either horizontal siding or shake siding.
9. Horizontal siding will be used on the main body of the house.
Proposed Site:
1. The front setback of the primary structure is 25 ft and the setback for the front porch is 17 ft. The east or right side setback is 16 ft; the west or left side setback is 8 ft.
2. There is a working alley behind the house, but it would not be utilized according to the applicant's plans. Instead, a 10-ft wide driveway off of Connecticut Avenue is proposed to provide access to the site.
3. A 3 ft-wide walkway connects the front porch steps to the sidewalk on Connecticut Ave.
4. There is a native tree (a dogwood) proposed for the front yard.
Proposed House:
1. The new proposed house is a 3-bedroom, 1-story structure measuring 26-ft wide x 50-ft deep. It has an asymmetrical front façade with a front porch on the left side.
2. Proposed house does not reference a particular architectural style. It is consistent with other houses on the street.
3. The exposed foundation will be treated with a cement-washed stucco surface over cement block.
4. All windows have a four-over-four grid. The front façade has a pair of double windows flanking the front door with shutters that do not cover the width of the window. The notes state that the bedroom windows will meet egress requirements of the building code.
5. The front door has a 4-pane window on the top and 2 beveled panels on the bottom.
6. The front porch is 16-ft wide x 8-ft deep and features a gable roof with a 6:12 pitch ratio and dimensional shingles.
7. The wall beneath the porch gable is supported by 6-in x 6-in posts with a simple cap and base and features either horizontal siding or shake siding.
8. A larger gable over the main house also has a roof pitch ratio of 6:12 and dimensional shingles; the wall beneath this roof is likewise clad in either horizontal siding or shake siding.
9. Horizontal siding will be used on the main body of the house.
Planning Staff
Monty Monty Fairchild
Planning Staff
Michelle Portier
Phone: 865-215-3821Email:
Case History
- December 11, 2006
- January 24, 2007
- June 28, 2007
- October 29, 2007
- October 31, 2007
- November 5, 2007
- November 13, 2007
- November 26, 2007
- November 28, 2007
- December 11, 2007
- December 17, 2007
- January 23, 2008
- February 19, 2008
- February 29, 2008
- May 28, 2008
- June 16, 2008
- August 8, 2008
- November 27, 2008
- December 12, 2008
- January 21, 2009
- January 27, 2009
- May 27, 2009
- June 16, 2009
- July 22, 2009
- August 17, 2009
- October 15, 2009
- October 28, 2009
- November 25, 2009
- November 30, 2009
- December 23, 2009
- January 28, 2010
- July 28, 2010
- October 27, 2010
- June 9, 2011
- July 27, 2011
- August 30, 2011
- October 26, 2011
- December 8, 2011
- December 21, 2011
- January 25, 2012
- May 23, 2012
- August 17, 2012
- August 22, 2012
- October 24, 2012
- November 28, 2012
- December 3, 2012
- February 1, 2013
- August 28, 2013
- October 23, 2013
- November 27, 2013
- December 9, 2013
- December 18, 2013
- January 22, 2014
- May 29, 2014
- November 19, 2014
- December 17, 2014
- January 30, 2015
- August 19, 2015
- December 16, 2015
- January 27, 2016
- August 24, 2016
- October 26, 2016
- November 16, 2016
- December 21, 2016
- October 5, 2017
- November 2, 2017
- December 7, 2017
- January 4, 2018
- August 2, 2018
- October 4, 2018
- December 6, 2018
- January 3, 2019
- March 7, 2019
- August 1, 2019
- October 3, 2019
- November 7, 2019
- February 6, 2020
- March 5, 2020
- October 21, 2020
- November 18, 2020
- December 16, 2020
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- February 17, 2021
- March 17, 2021
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- December 15, 2021
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- March 16, 2022
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- July 20, 2022
- August 17, 2022
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- April 14, 2023
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- November 15, 2023
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- December 20, 2023
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- April 15, 2024
- May 23, 2024
- June 20, 2024
- October 2, 2024
- October 16, 2024
- November 20, 2024
- November 21, 2024
- December 16, 2024
- December 18, 2024
- January 15, 2025
- February 19, 2025
- March 19, 2025
To be heard