Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1111 Texas Ave

Jaminaka Norton Jaminaka Norton Al-Bawi

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Site Plan- The new house has a 25' front yard setback, 11'8" side yard setback to the south and 7' side yard setback to the north. A new 36" wide concrete sidewalk leads from the front porch steps to the existing steps near the road. The off-street parking is accessed from the existing curb cut on the adjacent parcel through an existing gravel area to a gravel extension that is located on the same lot as the house. An existing tree in the front yard is going to be preserved. The porch will be 8' in depth.

Architectural Building Elevations : The roof pitch is 8:12 and the gable ends face the street. The exposed foundation on the front elevation will be about 2'. The front door and a double window are located on the porch and face the street. Another double window is on the right front façade not located in the porch area. The porch will contain a hand railing and tapered columns.

Todd Todd Kennedy City of Knoxville City of Knoxville

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History