Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


126 E Columbia Ave

Walter Walter Chadwell

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Architectural Elevations - The roof has a 12:6 pitch and has the gable facing the street. The front door faces the street and has one window on each side of the door. The porch has a railing system around the peremeter of the porch. The exposed foundation is 4' and the front steps to the porch come off the center of the porch and then turn sideways to run parallel to the width of the house. The porch and steps will have lattice that enclose the space under the steps and porch.

Plot Plan - A maple tree shall be preserved in the front yard. A provate walkway connects the front porch steps to the front property line. The porch dimensions are 28' X 8'. The front yard setback is 42.64' and the two side yard sebacks are 10' each. The off street parking shall be accessed off the alley.

The applicant is responsible for building according to the stamped plans/certificate. If the applicant wants to deviate from the stamped plans/certificate, they need to submit these changes to the infill housing design review committee for consideration. The applicant has the leeway of 6" on any stated measurement that is on the stamped plans/certificate to deal with issues that may arise during construction. The stamped plans are considered part of the Certificate of Appropriateness and shall be used together in reviewing projects for compliance. If you have any questions regarding this certificate please contact MPC at 215-2500.

Joe Joe MacDonald

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History