Minimum Subdivision Regulations Update Awaits Walkability Policy Recommendation
The Sidewalk Committee is working to establish clear standards for sidewalk construction. Once the policy is completed, it will be incorporatedinto the Minimum Subdivision Regulations Update.
At MPC meetings, community meetings, and in conversations with developers, discussion often focuses on the provision of sidewalks in new subdivisions. It is evident that clear and consistent standards are needed to identify where sidewalks should be built, when they should be built, and potential alternatives. In order to do this, a walkability policy has been created. The policy was drafted by MPC, City of Knoxville, and Knox County staff, and it is currently being reviewed by the MPC Sidewalk Committee.
Because sidewalk construction is an element of most new subdivisions, MPC would like to include and reference the walkability policy in the updated subdivision ordinance. At the request of residents, MPC has recommended continuing the subdivision ordinance until the walkability policy is completed. The policy is expected to be approved this spring. It will then be incorporated into the subdivision ordinance and submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
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