Preservation 2010: A Report to Mayor Daniel T. Brown
The Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission reviewed 104 requests for Certificates of Appropriateness in 2010 with the highest number of applications coming from projects in the Fort Sanders neighborhood. Even with Knoxville's overall slowdown in building activity, the applications for Certificates of Appropriateness increased in 2010, as they did in every preceding year.
Preservation activity has been very visible near downtown. The Minvilla complex on the corner of East Fifth Avenue and Broadway has recently been rehabilitated. Nearby commercial buildings in Happy Holler have enhanced the historic role of the area and emphasize the residential neighborhoods that surround and support them.
Downtown Knoxville has seen the completion of the Daylight Building on Union Avenue and the Southeastern Glass Building on Broadway at Jackson Avenue. The L&N Station will be rehabilitated to house a new high school that emphasizes math and science.
The Market Square district also has been very active this year. When two of the ongoing projects are completed, every building on Market Square will have been rehabilitated and brought into building codes compliance.
Old Mechanicsville Neighborhood Interests has been working through its board to finalize an updated set of design guidelines. Old North Knoxville has begun efforts to include additional properties in its boundaries. Edgewood-Park City H-1 has also shown interest in additional designations.
Preservation interest is slowly expanding beyond the pre-World War II neighborhoods to include mid-century buildings in the Mid-Century Modern, Ranch and various Revival styles. This includes the Hotpoint House, an innovative 1954 design by Bruce McCarty. This home is a new addition to the National Register of Historic Places, although it has not yet been designated locally.
The Knoxville Historic Zoning Commission has been working to develop guidelines for solar installations on historic buildings with the goal of incorporating these measures into the guidelines for each district. Representatives from historic neighborhoods will begin to meet with staff and interested commissioners to develop suggestions for appropriate retrofitting, storm window installation, or new window replacement if that is necessary.
Knox Heritage recently completed their LEEDS-certified rehabilitation of the house at 1011 Victorian Way. This project fueled interest in environmentally-sensitive rehabilitation while demonstrating techniques and materials that can enhance a preservation rehabilitation project..
Posted 07-21-2011